Genieße die Sonne, aber schütze dich richtig!
Trail Running macht gerade im Sommer viel Spaß. Wir geben dir praktische Tipps und Tricks zur Vorbeugung von Sonnenbrand, Austrocknung und vorzeitiger Hautalterung. Schütze deine Haut und genieße das Trail Running in vollen Zügen!

Trail Running Schuhe
Trail Running Schuhe unterscheiden sich von Straßenlaufschuhen in verschiedenen Aspekten. Unser Artikel erklärt einige der Besonderheiten von Trail Running Schuhen

Coming soon: The performance spray that revolutionizes after-sun care
Sun-irritated skin is an everyday issue when doing outdoor sports in summer. From May we will remedy the situation with our new Performance After Sun Spray!

Skin irritation when trail running
Trail running is a great way to keep fit and enjoy the beauty of nature. However, it is also an activity that comes with certain risks, especially when it comes to skin irritation or injury.

Special trails and trail running events in Europe
In Europe there are countless exciting, strenuous, beautiful and special trail running routes and events. Here is a very small excerpt for you

Better performance thanks to Ultra Membrane Repair Technology
The ultra-membrane technology behind QiQu helps your skin perform as well as you do