Skin as a limiting factor? Not with QiQu Skin power.
The QiQu [kiˈku] Performance product family supports your skin in all stressful situations. With its innovative technology, QiQu supports the natural regeneration of your skin. And free of unwanted ingredients. Performance based on nature.
QiQu Active
Performance Skin Care Acute Care Gel– Slight abrasions
– Superficial blisters
- Incipient chafing
– Accompanying care of wounds
QiQu active After Sun
Performance Skin Care After Sun Spray- Ultra-Membrane Repair-Technology
- Leichte, nicht fettende Textur
- Kühlt & beruhigt
QiQu is tailored to your individual needs, whether you're a trail runner tackling the toughest routes, a cyclist tackling the toughest climbs, or an adventurer braving the elements.

Performance based on nature
The QiQu Ultra membrane is formed from an advanced biopolymer - copied from nature and optimized by us for human skin.

Skin meets nature
Trail running, cycling, climbing are passionate sports in nature that drive us. But there is always a struggle between the love of nature and the hardships it puts on our bodies. Unpleasant skin irritations quickly set in that hold us back: friction, abrasions, sometimes wounds, the scorching sun that takes its toll on our skin. QiQu's specialized products help you to quickly forget the stress on your skin and to be able to continue with your passion without interruption.

news and stories

Genieße die Sonne, aber schütze dich richtig!
Trail Running macht gerade im Sommer viel Spaß. Wir geben dir praktische Tipps und Tricks zur Vorbeugung von Sonnenbrand, Austrocknung und vorzeitiger Hautalterung. Schütze deine Haut und genieße das Trail Running in vollen Zügen!

Trail Running Schuhe
Trail Running Schuhe unterscheiden sich von Straßenlaufschuhen in verschiedenen Aspekten. Unser Artikel erklärt einige der Besonderheiten von Trail Running Schuhen

Coming soon: The performance spray that revolutionizes after-sun care
Sun-irritated skin is an everyday issue when doing outdoor sports in summer. From May we will remedy the situation with our new Performance After Sun Spray!